Jerry Volesky - Nebraska Extension Range and Forage Specialist

Prescribed burn image
A prescribed burn continues to be the most economical approach to controlling Eastern red cedar trees. (Photo by Troy Walz)

Pasture and Forage Minute: Controlling Cedar Trees, Net Wrap Health Concerns

December 14, 2022
In this installment of Pasture and Forage Minute, extension educators review the most effective strategies for controlling Eastern red cedar trees, and managing net wrap and twine issues for livestock.

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Cattle eating hay
Choosing the right protein may help bring the cost of feed down and more accurately meet the needs of your cattle.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Cornstalk Quality after Precipitation, Alfalfa for Protein

November 22, 2022
This week, Jerry Volesky reviews cornstalk feed quality after rain and snow, and Brad Schick discusses the pros and cons of alfalfa as a supplemental protein.

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Cattle grazing cornstalks
To safely graze corn residue after fertilizer applications, it's ideal to wait until after a rain or snowmelt.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Grazing Winter Range, Fertilized Cornstalks

November 8, 2022
Extension educators discuss ways to graze winter pastures and fertilized corn residue fields without risking livestock health or nutrition.

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Soybean field
Photo by Craig Chandler, University Communication

Pasture and Forage Minute: Soybean Residue Forage Benefits, Safe Fall Alfalfa Grazing

November 2, 2022
Extension educators assess the value of soybean residue as livestock forage and share management recommendations for grazing alfalfa to avoid bloat.

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Yucca plants
If yucca covers too much rangeland to effectively control with herbicides, winter grazing can reduce its impact without compromising your grasses.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Yucca Control and Fall Irrigation

October 24, 2022
Extension educators explain why winter grazing can be an effective tool to reduce yucca stands in rangeland and how to plan late fall irrigation in winter annual crops.

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Soybean harvest residue
With higher hay prices and forage shortages this year, interest has grown in baling soybean residue; however, it's important for producers to weigh the costs — including potential erosion and nutrient removal — against current market value to calculate the cost effectiveness for their operations.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Baling Soybean Residue, Winterizing Alfalfa by Growing Degree Days

October 11, 2022
Higher hay prices and forage shortfalls have many producers considering baling soybean residue, but it's important to first analyze the cost effectiveness. Plus — concerns on nightshade and winterizing alfalfa.

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Fall armyworm caterpillar

Pasture and Forage Minute: Grazing for Interseeding, Controlling Thistles and Fall Armyworms

September 27, 2022
Following last year's atypical infestation of fall armyworm caterpillars, extension educators urge preparedness in the event of a reoccurrence this fall. Plus — why overgrazing is a good strategy prior to interseeding legumes.

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Pasture and Forage Minute: Monitoring Hay Quality and Pests, Early Cornstalk Harvest

September 21, 2022
Extension educators cover the variables involved in testing hay quality and what pests may sneak in with your imported hay — plus, why harvesting some corn a little early might be a good strategy for grazing this year.

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