Soil Management

Find more information in the Soil Management to Optimize Crop Production in Nebraska section of CropWatch.

How do You Define Soil Health?

April 4, 2018
For many people the definition of soil health depends on their perspective and use of the soil. While definitions can vary widely, there are four common practices that everyone should consider to ensure healthy soil biota.

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Legumes Can Benefit Your Pasture Mix

March 2, 2018
Five years of grazing research in eastern Nebraska showed that brome/legume pastures produced almost four-tenths of a pound higher average daily gain on yearlings than did straight brome pastures fertilized with 50 lbs of nitrogen. Adding legumes to your pasture mix may be just the boost your production system needs.

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CO2 sensor in rye cover crop

Cover Crop and CO2 Emissions

February 26, 2018
Do cover crops affect CO2 emissions from the soil and if so, under what conditions? These were among the questions addressed by university researchers monitoring CO2 emissions from cereal rye cover crops in irrigated and dryland no-till continuous corn treatments.

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Figure 1. Aerial imagery was collected at bean emergence using a drone. All dark green rows correspond to plots with different rates of char (10, 20, 30, 40, and 60 tons/acre).
Figure 1. Aerial imagery was collected at bean emergence using a drone. All dark green rows correspond to plots with different rates of char (10, 20, 30, 40, and 60 tons/acre).

Coal Combustion Residue: A Potential Soil Amendment

February 22, 2018
University of Nebraska researchers applied char, a by-product of sugar beet processing, at three sites to study its effect on soil properties.

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Charles Shapiro speaking at a Nebraska Extension field day in the late 1980s.

It is Time to Hang Up the Soil Probe ― Reflections on a Career

December 13, 2017
In his final article for CropWatch Nebraska Soil Scientist Charles Shapiro reflects on changes in crop nutrient management practices across his career.

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Illustrating improved soil aggregates from manure applications.

How Manure Impacts Soil Aggregation

July 6, 2017
Researchers compare differences between soils fertilized with three types of manure versus commercial products and note four benefits, including an increase in water-stable large macro-aggregates that hold P differently.

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Chart of potential for nitrate-N leaching in spring 2017

Risk of Nitrate Leaching Across Nebraska as of May 21, 2017

May 25, 2017
Following heavy spring rains UNL soil scientists model potential loss of nitrate-N to soil leaching, finding an average 14% loss from mid-April levels, with three sites with much higher losses.

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fertilizer applicator in the field
Figure 1. Fertilizer is one of a farmer's largest inputs and also the one that often varies the most in price from year to year. (Photo by Bob Klein)

Fertilizer Price Changes from 1994-2017

April 25, 2017
Fertilizer, one of the major costs in crop production, changes more in price each year than many other input costs. This articles addresses how farmers can reduce their fertilizer costs by selecting the most economical source for the fertilizer they need.

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