Renovating Windbreaks Focus of Dec. 4 Workshop

Renovating Windbreaks Focus of Dec. 4 Workshop

USDA NRCS photo of a windbreak beside a soybean field in northwest Iowa
Windbreaks offer many benefits to farming operations and rural landscapes. Learn how to develop a long-term plan to renovate and maintain your windbreak at a Dec. 4 workshop in Saunders County. (Photo: USDA NRCS)

Nov. 25, 2015

A well designed and maintained windbreak can provide many benefits to a farm, home or acreage. Nebraska Extension is partnering with the Nebraska Forest Service and the Lower Platte North Natural Resources District to provide a workshop offering information on how to create and implement a windbreak plan. The workshop will be Dec. 4 at the University of Nebraska's Agricultural Research and Development Center near Mead.

Registration begins at 9 a.m. with the workshop from 9:30 to noon.

According to Nebraska Extension educator Keith Glewen, many of the windbreaks in eastern Nebraska have
outlived their usefulness and are in desperate need of renovation and replacement in some cases. This workshop will
provide participants with information on how to start the process.

Topics and presenters include:  

  • "Windbreak Renovations," Steve Karloff, Nebraska Forest Service district forester
  • "Planting New Windbreaks," Jay Seaton, Lower Platte South NRD forester
  • "Current Tree Health Issues," Jennifer Morris, Nebraska Forest Service, forest health specialist
  • "Lower Platte North NRD Tree Planting Program," Bob Heimann, operations and maintenance manager
  • "Bag Trees for Windbreaks," Heather Byers, horticulturist, Nebraska Certified Nurseryman, Weston

Pre-register by Dec. 2 to reserve a seat and to ensure workshop materials are available the day of the
workshop. To register, contact Nebraska Extension at 402-624-8000 or For questions about the
program, contact Glewen at the above phone number or

Nebraska Extension is in the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska-

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