As of Sunday, May 24th, corn and soybean planting and emergence continues to be well ahead of the five year average, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. In addition, 70% of winter wheat is rated is rated good to excellent.
Corn condition rated 0% very poor, 1% poor, 17% fair, 65% good, and 17% excellent. Corn planted was 97%, ahead of 78% last year and 89% for the five-year average. Emerged was 77%, well ahead of 43% last year, and ahead of 61% average.
Soybean condition rated 0% very poor, 1% poor, 18% fair, 66% good, and 15% excellent. Soybeans planted was 89%, well ahead of 51% last year and 62% average. Emerged was 56%, well ahead of 18% last year and 25% average.
Winter wheat condition rated 1% very poor, 7% poor, 22% fair, 64% good, and 6% excellent. Winter wheat headed was 22%, ahead of 16% last year, but behind 40% average.
Sorghum planted was 56%, well ahead of 22% last year, and ahead of 37% average.
Oats condition rated 0% very poor, 7% poor, 31% fair, 58% good, and 4% excellent. Oats planted was 96%, near 93% last year and 97% average. Emerged was 91%, ahead of 75% last year, and near 90% average. Headed was 9%, ahead of 1% last year, and near 8% average.
Dry edible beans planted was 18%. Emerged was 1%.
Pasture and range conditions rated 1% very poor, 1% poor, 16% fair, 75% good, and 7% excellent.
For the week ending May 24, 2020, there were 4.5 days suitable for fieldwork. Topsoil moisture supplies rated 1% very short, 8% short, 78% adequate, and 13% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies rated 1% very short, 10% short, 82% adequate, and 7% surplus.
Data for this news release were provided at the county level by USDA Farm Service Agency, UNL Extension Service, and other reporters across the State.