142 Attend 2016 Weed Management Field Day

July 11, 2016

142 Attend 2016 Weed Management Field Day

By Amit Jhala - Professor and Associate Department Head, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture

Figure 1. Amit Jhala, Extension Weed Management Specialist discussing weed control and crop safety in new multiple herbicide-tolerant soybeans.
Figure 1. Amit Jhala, extension weed management specialist, discussing weed control and crop safety in new multiple herbicide-tolerant soybeans.

UNL weed management research was featured and demonstrated at the 2016 Corn and Soybean Weed Management Field Day June 29 at UNL’s South Central Agricultural Laboratory (SCAL) near Clay Center. Amit Jhala, Extension weed management specialist, organized and led the tour. A total of 142 attended, including growers, crop consultants, extension educators, graduate students, industry representatives, and other clientele.

UNL Weed Science team members demonstrated several projects for weed control in corn and soybean that included efficacy, crop safety, and comparison of several new herbicides, such as Acuron, Anthem Maxx, Fierce XLT, DiFlexx DUO, Armezon PRO, Warrant Ultra. Weed control and crop safety in multiple herbicide-tolerant crop technologies was demonstrated. This included Enlist corn and soybean (2,4-D-tolerant), Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybean (dicamba-tolerant), and Balance Bean (isoxaflutole-tolerant). Several herbicide programs were compared for weed control in corn and soybean in UNL’s unbiased comparison trials.

Rodrigo Werle, cropping systems specialist at the West Central REC in North Platte, and Melinda Yerka, research assistant professor, discussed the new Inzen sorghum cultivar project. Postdoctoral scientist Debalin Sarangi and graduate students Zahoor Ganie, Ethann Barnes, Jacob Ziggafoos, and Parminder Chahal demonstrated research projects on various aspects of weed control in corn and soybean.

Thanks to Ian Rogers, Adam Leise, Megan Drudik, Irvin Schleufer and Caleb Wilford for their help with maintaining research projects. Special thanks to Lana Johnson and Fran Benne for video recording the event. The Field Day content will be edited and will be available on You Tube for those not able to attend the Field Day.

Media reports of the field day:

UNL field day weed science team
Figure 2. UNL Field Day Weed Science Team: (standing) Adam Leise, Jacob Nicodym, Debalin Sarangi, Ian Rogers, Parminder Chahal, Caleb Wilford and (seated) Zahoor Ganie, Amit Jhala, Irvin Schleufer, and Ethan Barnes.

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