Closeup of combine harvesting soybean
While soybean residue can be grazed, it has much lower crude protein levels than soybeans, so producers using soybean residue as feed should also supplement to meet a dry cow's nutrient requirements..

Pasture and Forage Minute: Prussic Acid Following Freeze, Soybean Residue for Forage

October 12, 2023
Learn more about avoiding prussic acid poisoning in sorghum following a freeze, and why producers should always supplement when feeding soybean residue.

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Frozen sorghum-sudangrass
Once a freeze occurs, it takes seven days for prussic acid to dissipate from forage sorghum species like sorghum-sudangrass. The hours immediately after a frost have the highest level of toxic compounds in these plants.

Frosted Sorghum and Prussic Acid

October 6, 2023
A review on how to safely graze forage sorghum species after freezing temperatures.

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Hunter with German shorthaired pointers in field
In crop and pasture land leases, hunting rights default to the tenant unless otherwise stipulated in a verbal or written agreement.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Hunting Rights with Land Leases, Fall Thistle Control

October 3, 2023
A look at landlord and tenant hunting rights in land leases, and tips on managing pasture thistles this fall.

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Cattle grazing corn residue
When it comes to stalks residue, grain sorghum stover will retain nutrient grazing value longer than corn, so prioritize grazing corn residue first to achieve optimum nutrition.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Lease Agreement Conditions, Grazing Drought-stressed Crop Residue

September 27, 2023
Extension educators review important factors to consider when entering a land lease agreement, overgrazing pastures in preparation for interseeding legumes, and using drought-stressed crop residue as a feed source.

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Cheatgrass closeup
Rejuvra™ is a new rangeland herbicide product from Bayer that controls cheatgrass seedlings. It should be applied in early fall before seeds germinate and can provide control up to two years post-application.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Managing Cheatgrass, Last Alfalfa Harvest and Fall Armyworms

September 19, 2023
Management insights on controlling cheatgrass, wild oats and fall armyworms in pastures, and using growing degree days to schedule your final alfalfa harvest.

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Cattle grazing field
Cattle grazing cereal rye cover crop near Tecumseh. (CropWatch file photo)

Pasture and Forage Minute: Planning Cover Crops, Testing Hay Quality and Nitrate Management

September 12, 2023
Tips on selecting and planting cover crops, managing nitrate risks while grazing annuals, and preparing hay samples for testing.

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Loading corn silage after harvest
In addition to associated costs, producers considering harvesting drought-stressed corn should also evaluate the impact of doing so on future crop production before making a final decision.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Understanding Nitrate Scores, Corn Silage Pricing

September 6, 2023
Extension educators review the importance of understanding nitrate and nitrate nitrogen scores in forage test results, how to price corn silage to salvage drought-stressed crops, and selecting winter annual forages.

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Loading corn silage
Silage harvesters can put out impressive volumes of chop, often overwhelming the packer with too many loads before they can get a proper pack. Remember, the speed of chopping should be determined by the packing speed, not the silage chopper.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Considerations for Corn Silage, Last Cutting Alfalfa and Forage Inventories

August 29, 2023
Best practices for packing and covering corn silage, timing the last fall alfalfa cutting, and taking inventory of fall and winter feed supplies.

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