CropWatch May 25, 2012: Index of Stories
Several areas of Nebraska were hit by hail storms in the last week. Corn below the V6 stage should recover since the growing point is still below ground. See this week's CW story for resources on assessing damage. |
Whorl-feeding Caterpillars in CornBeet armyworms and corn earworms have been reported feeding in the whorls of young corn plants in central Nebraska. This finding is unusual but insects are developing earlier than normal this year due to unusually warm spring temperatures. See this week's stories for other impacts of the warm season. |
May 25, 2012
Corn Production
- Corn Rootworm Larval Scouting and Postemergence Treatments
- Seedling Diseases Developing in Corn. Early planting and intermittent rains are leading to seedling diseases in corn this spring. The most common identified in samples submitted to the UNL Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic were caused by Pythium and Fusarium species.
Wheat Production
- How the Mild Winter and Warm Spring Affected Wheat Diseases. Warm temperatures and intermittent rains created a longer disease period for wheat that's expected to result in higher losses.
- New Tool for Tracking the Voracious Russian Wheat Aphid
- Millipede Feeding Damaging Soybeans. In south central and southeast Nebraska millipedes have been reported damaging cotyledons and stems prior to seedling emergence, sometimes killing the plant.
- Illinois IPM: Bean Leaf Beetle Thresholds — Where Do They Come From?
Crop Production
- Assessing Hail Damage. Summer in Nebraska often means hail somewhere some time. Learn how to assess damage and determine your next steps.
- Crop Water Use Comparison of Rainfed Corn, Sorghum and Soybean 2009-2011. Is sorghum still the most efficient crop water user? A three-year on-farm research study compares water use efficiency of rainfed sorghum, corn, and soybeans.
Soil Management
- Using the PSNT for Spring Testing of Nitrogen Availability. With warmer winter and spring temperatures, mineralization of nitrogen may have increased this year.
Weed Management
Field Updates
IANR Extension Programs & Resources
- Korus Joins UNL Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic
- Market Journal Looks at Effects of Recent Grain Price Shift
- 300 Entomologists to Meet in Lincoln June 3-6
- Panhandle Weed Science Field Day June 21
- UNL Extension Irrigation and Soils Short Courses Now Sold Online