National Safe Tractor and Machinery Operation Classes Offered in the Panhandle

May 8, 2009

Nebraska's Farm Fatalities
  • In 2008, farm accidents killed 16 Nebraskans. They ranged in age from 8 years to adult.

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Field Updates

May 8, 2009

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USDA Publishes 2008 County, District Level Cash Rent Data

Nebraska Ag Land Cash Rent Rates by District and County, 2008. Source: USDA NASS Nebraska Field Office.
Maps link to larger versions on the Nebraska NASS Web site.
Links to District Cash Rent Maps appear below each map.

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USDA Economic Reports of Interest: Biofuels, Fertilizer Prices, Farm Income Forecast

May 8, 2009

Growing Crops for Biofuels has Spillover Effects

by Scott Malcolm and Marcel Aillery for the USDA Economic Research Service Online magazine, Amber Waves.

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ARS Scientists Study Genetics of Wheat Leaf Rust

May 8, 2009 The pathogen that causes the world's most common wheat disease is a moving target, but scientists are now better equipped to keep track of it, thanks to some genetic sleuthing by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists.

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UNL Plant Breeder Chosen for Board of International Rice Research Institute

May 8, 2009 P. Stephen Baenziger has long strived in his career to do something to help feed the world. With his appointment to an international center that researches one of the world's most important food staples, he has realized a dream.

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Wheat Spindle Streak Mosaic Virus Confirmed

May 1, 2009 Wheat spindle streak mosaic virus (WSSMV), also known as wheat yellow mosaic virus, has been confirmed in wheat samples from Dundy, Red Willow, Richardson, and Saunders counties. WSSMV occurs from mid March to early May.


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