One month drought changes map

August 2024 Climate Summary

September 26, 2024
A dry August in Nebraska led to a return of drought for numerous regions, particularly in the northwest and southeast, where 2-category degradations were observed.

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Temp outlook map

Weekly Weather Outlook and Update: Another Dry Week Ahead

September 26, 2024
Harvest efforts will benefit from the warm, dry weather ahead, but there's also a heightened risk of wildfire and worsening drought through the beginning of October.

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Woman works on taxes at desk
Sole proprietor farming businesses use IRS Schedule F, Profit or Loss from Farming to report income and expenses of the farming business. Schedule F can be used by partnerships, corporations, trusts and estates to report farming activities.

Introduction to Schedule F Workshop Scheduled in Mullen

September 26, 2024
The workshop will cover basic tax information on filing a Schedule F, used by farmers and ranchers to report income and expenses of the business.

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Barbwire fence near pasture
The Beginning Farmer and Rancher workshops offer valuable insight for individuals who are preparing to take over a family farm or ranch, or start a new venture in agriculture. (Photo by Chabella Guzman)

Beginning Farmer and Rancher Workshop Offered in Valentine

September 26, 2024
This workshop is perfect for young farmers, ranchers and anyone interested in understanding their role in family operations.

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Man operates combine in dry bean field
A Panhandle grower undercuts and windrows a field of dry beans so they can dry down and be combined. (Photo by Gary Stone, Nebraska Extension)

Crop Progress: Dry Bean Harvest Reaches Halfway Point

September 26, 2024
Dy bean harvest was at 46% complete by Sept. 22, and harvest of corn, soybean and sorghum continues near average pace.

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Hay in stacks
In Nebraska, hay prices fluctuate throughout the year due to several factors, including weather, supply and demand, and quality. For easy access to current hay prices, bookmark the link to CropWatch's hay markets page below.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Fall Thistle Control, Hay Prices and Drought Concerns

September 26, 2024
Insights on controlling pasture thistles during fall with herbicide applications, hay price fluctuations due to factors like drought and market conditions, and addressing the impact of dry weather on pasture health, alfalfa harvest timing, and forage production.

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Bare field with weeds on one side
A sugarbeet field in the spring of 2024 with Palmer amaranth. Where Goltix has been applied, there is a clear line of weed suppression. (Photo by Chabella Guzman)

Collaboration and Research Lead to Breakthrough Herbicide for Palmer Amaranth in Sugarbeets

September 26, 2024
A six-year collaboration between Nebraska Extension and Western Sugar Cooperative led to FDA approval of the herbicide Goltrix in sugarbeets for the first time in 2024, and growers reported promising results throughout the growing season.

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Woman writes on tabletop as people watch nearby
Jennifer Clarke (left), professor of statistics and food science and technology, and director of UNL’s Quantitative Life Sciences Initiative, joins a strategic planning discussion during the National Agricultural Producers Data Cooperative conference Aug. 9. (Photo by Emma Saathoff, IANR Media)

Husker Faculty Lead Conference Honing Strategies for National Ag Data Network

September 26, 2024
The USDA-funded initiative was formed to create a cyber-ecosystem that can securely manage and share agricultural data on a national scale, aiming to support farmers and agricultural stakeholders across the country.

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