Extension Focuses on ATV Safety in Nebraska

October 3, 2008

All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) safety is a paramount issue in Nebraska and UNL Extension is taking action to address it.

Bob Meduna and Dave Varner, UNL extension educators based in Lincoln and Fremont, respectively, are spearheading the new Nebraska 4-H ATV RiderCourse training program.

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Policy Specialist: Obama, McCain Have Key Differences on Trade, Energy

October 3, 2008

Neither Barack Obama nor John McCain has much of a track record on agricultural issues, but differences over trade and energy will give Nebraska farm interests plenty to consider this election year, a UNL Extension public policy specialist said.

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Nebraska Buffer Strip Program Sign Up Underway

October 3, 2008

Now is an excellent time to sign up for the installation of conservation buffers, a UNL Extension agricultural engineer said.

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Taking Census of Soybean Stem Borer

September 19, 2008

Fields with extensive stalk tunneling from soybean stem borer are at risk for lodging and should be harvested first.

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Weather and Reservoir Update; Long-term Forecasts

September 19, 2008

All figures link to larger versions.

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Conversion for Diesel Fuel for Center Pivots

September 19, 2008

The 2009 crop production budgets with center pivot irrigation were developed with a pumping lift of 125 feet and 35 psi pressure to determine the amount of diesel fuel. A table was developed by Derrel Martin to determine the amount of diesel fuel for various pumping lifts and various pressures to pump an acre inch of water.

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