UNL CropWatch May 21, 2010: Raise Cutting Height with Delayed Alfalfa Harvest

May 22, 2010

Have you harvested your first cutting of alfalfa yet? In many fields alfalfa is way ahead of most years so even if it is not blooming heavily, you may be surprised to find it already has started to grow your next cutting.

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UNL CropWatch May 21, 2010: Plan Grass Harvest to Capture the Most Nutrient Value

May 21, 2010

Native meadows will soon start growing rapidly and bromegrass will be heading out. Grass hay harvest won't be far behind, but don't wait too long.

Often grass hay harvest may be delayed until it's more convenient, like after everything's planted or during the first or second corn irrigation.

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UNL CropWatch May 18, 2010: USDA Crop Condition Report

May 18, 2010

For the week ending May 16, cold, wet conditions across the state slowed crop growth and field work, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, Nebraska Field Office.

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UNL CropWatch May 21, 2010: Producer Questions Answered

May 21, 2010

Postemergence Burndown

If you've got a question ...

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UNL CropWatch May 21, 2010: CropWatch Features Social Media, Sharing Features

May 21, 2001

Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and You Tube are being used increasingly to develop agricultural awareness and promote educational events. This year, UNL Extension specialists and educators will be using these tools via CropWatch to share timely information on crop conditions, pest outbreaks, and upcoming events.

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UNL CropWatch May 19, 2010: Zone Tillge Demonstration Rescheduled for May 25-26

May 19, 2010

Due to rainy weather, the Panhandle on-farm Zone Tillage Demonstration has been rescheduled for May 25 from 2 p.m. until early evening and May 26 from 9-11 a.m.  It was originally scheduled for May 19-20 near Hemingford.

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UNL CropWatch May 19, 2010: Register Now for Tractor Safety & Machinery Operation Classes

May 19, 2010

Pre-registrations are currently being accepted for Tractor Safety and Machinery Operation Training classes to be held at seven Nebraska sites this summer.

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