CropWatch March 19, 2010: Managing Early Season Winter Annuals in Pastures

March 19, 2010

Given the plentiful soil moisture conditions across much of the state, early winter annuals like cheatgrass, downy brome, and wild oats are likely to be a big problem in pastures this spring. Winter annual bromes can reduce pasture quality and carrying capacity.

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CropWatch March 19, 2010: Field Updates

March 19, 2010

Douglas Anderson, Extension Educator in Keith, Arthur, and Perkins counties: It’s wet, but drying. Puddles are still on the ground, but getting smaller. In some place frost has gone, but we still have frost in ground and are expecting more snow this weekend.

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CropWatch March 19, 2010: High Plains Cover Crops Workshop March 29

March 19, 2010

What do we know about the use of cover crops and forages in dryland farming in the High Plains, and what still needs to be learned?

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CropWatch March 19, 2010: March 29 Soybean School at David City

March 19, 2010

Learn about soybean production and factors that could be limiting your production at a Soybean School to be held March 29 in David City. The event will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the David City Hruska Library at 399 N. 5th St.

Program topics will include

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CropWatch March 17, 2010: Haiti, Chile Earthquakes Registered in Nebraska Water Well

March 17, 2010

UNL scientists say that recent earthquakes in Haiti and Chile temporarily affected groundwater levels in Nebraska. The hydroseismic activity — the effect that seismic waves have on groundwater -- likely would have been missed if not for a decades-old instrument.

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CropWatch March 18, 2010: DDG Futures Contract Could Be Promising for Ethanol, Livestock Industries

March 18, 2010

The creation of a futures contract for distillers dried grain offers a new risk management tool that livestock feeders and ethanol producers should evaluate for future use, a UNL Extension livestock marketing specialist says.

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UNL Survey: Agricultural Land Values Up 4.4% Statewide

March 12, 2010

Agricultural land values in Nebraska increased about 4.4% in the last year, with rises in cropland values offsetting declines in rangeland, according to preliminary findings from the 2010 Nebraska Farm Real Estate Survey.

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CropWatch March 5, 2010: Crop Insurance Deadline March 15; Evaluate New Factors

March 5, 2010

This year the March 15 deadline for buying crop insurance for spring planted crops has added meaning for many of Nebraska’s producers. If you haven’t already scheduled a visit with your crop insurance professional, time is running short to discuss and evaluate some important new options.

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