Weed Management

Trial studying efficacy of products on Palmer amaranth

Palmer Amaranth Control in Dry Bean

January 14, 2019
Residual herbicides applied at or before planting are critically important to controlling emerged Palmer amaranth in dry bean. Research at the Panhandle REC assessed the efficacy of PRE and pre-plant incorporated (PPI) residual herbicide programs.

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Visual evaluation of waterhemp growth 21 days after an atrazine application.

Research Report: Prevalence and Mechanism of Atrazine Resistance in Waterhemp from Nebraska

October 26, 2018
Researchers studied waterhemp populations in eastern Nebraska to evaluate the efficacy of PRE and POST herbicide applications and the mechanism of atrazine resistance. Here's what they found and take-home messages to apply to your operation.

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Figure 1. Marestail emerging relatively early this year in Nebraska due to plenty of moisture (Photo by Amit Jhala)

Management of Glyphosate-Resistant Marestail in Fall

October 25, 2018
For successful marestail management in the fall, apply herbicides after harvest while weather conditions remain favorable (air temperature above 50°F). Effective control now may negate the need for an early spring burndown application.

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Nebraska Extension Weed Science School

Weed Science School Oct. 31 near Mead

October 11, 2018
Update your weed science knowledge and skills when university, government, and industry speakers join to address current weed science issues and recommendations for improving herbicide applications.

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Figure 1. Two runs of the experiment (front, just beginning second run; back, just finishing first run) conducted in the greenhouse at the Pesticide Application Technology Laboratory at the university’s West Central Research and Extension Center in North Platte.
Figure 1. Two runs of the experiment (front, just beginning second run; back, just finishing first run) conducted in the greenhouse at the Pesticide Application Technology Laboratory at the university’s West Central Research and Extension Center in North Platte.

Competitiveness of Herbicide-Resistant Waterhemp with Soybean

September 26, 2018
The objective of this study was to evaluate the competitiveness of three herbicide-resistant Nebraska waterhemp populations with soybean in a greenhouse environment. The results indicate the importance of enhancing early-season crop competitiveness.

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Comparison of two wheat research plots near Scottsbluff. On the left is an untreated control plot with a heavy infestation of downy brome and feral rye. On the right the same population of grassy weeds was treated with Aggressor herbicide, part of the CoAXium Wheat Production System.
Figure 1. Comparison of two wheat research plots near Scottsbluff. On the left is an untreated control plot with a heavy infestation of downy brome and feral rye. On the right the same population of grassy weeds was treated with Aggressor herbicide, part of the CoAXium Wheat Production System.

CoAXium™ Wheat Production System and Aggressor™ Herbicide for Controlling Grassy Weeds

August 30, 2018
A new herbicide-tolerant wheat production system was officially unveiled in 2018 and offers growers a new means to control grassy annual weeds in wheat.

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Uncontrolled Russian thistle in seeded winter wheat field.
Uncontrolled Russian thistle in seeded winter wheat field.

Fall Strategies for Weed Control in Winter Wheat

August 29, 2018
Managing weeds at least two weeks prior to planting winter wheat and then controlling winter annuals this fall are important to reducing disease, saving soil moisture, and achieving top yields next summer.

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Weeds in wheat

Can You Help Weed Scientists Assess IWM Knowledge and Use?

August 27, 2018
How much do you know about Integrated Weed Management (IWM) strategies and their application to your operation? What information do you need?

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