Weed Management

Cattle grazing
Cattle grazing cereal rye cover crop near Tecumseh. (CropWatch file photo)

Pasture and Forage Minute: Dormant Alfalfa Weed Control, Cover Crop Forage Strategies

February 16, 2022
With a late fall cutting and minimal snow, extension educators detail the importance of timely weed control in stressed alfalfa this spring. Plus — why planning cover crops for forage should begin immediately.

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Palmer amaranth in dry beans

Impact and Seed Production of Palmer Amaranth in Dry Beans

January 4, 2022
Results of a 2020-21 study investigating the impact of uncontrolled Palmer amaranth in dry beans. Using pinto beans, researchers were able to pinpoint yield loss and potential seed production of Palmer amaranth.

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 Nightshade plant
Large populations of black nightshade in corn stalks can be deadly to livestock, so careful observation during grazing is recommended.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Nightshade Poisoning, Planning Forage During Shortages and Inflation

October 18, 2021
This week, extension educators address concerns about cattle grazing black nightshade in corn fields and preparing a forage plan for 2022 to mitigate rising costs of inputs.

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Yucca plants
Herbicides are most effective against yucca infestations when applied in spring or summer on individual plants or small patches.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Managing Prussic Acid, Yucca and Fall Irrigation

October 12, 2021
In this week's article, educators review concerns on prussic acid development in sorghum plants, herbicide control for soapweeds in grazing lands and irrigating alfalfa this fall to help with stand stress.

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Musk thistle

Pasture and Forage Minute: Scouting for Thistles and Fall Armyworms, Soybean Residue as Forage

September 29, 2021
Extension educators review their tips for controlling thistles in pastures, scouting for fall armyworms and how to meet nutritional requirements while grazing soybean residue.

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Pesticide application

Survey to Evaluate Chemical Weed Control Methods in Corn, Soybeans

October 7, 2021
The objective of the survey is to understand the main chemical weed control strategies and weed escapes in soybean and corn production fields during the 2021 growing season and to evaluate the interest and awareness regarding novel targeted herbicide spraying technologies. 

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Sunflower and turnip field

Plants for Fallow Summer Periods

September 1, 2021
Many warm-season cover crop species are available and can be used for different purposes in fallow fields, such as improving soil health, breaking up soil compaction, providing forage and supporting beneficial insects.

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Combine collage
Top: Combining weedy dry beans. Bottom left: Palmer amaranth in dry beans. (Photo by Gary Stone). Bottom right: Combine cleanout. (Photo by Meaghan Anderson)

Combine Clean Out Can Help Reduce Weed Spread

August 25, 2021
With increasing pressure from herbicide-resistant weeds such as kochia and introduced herbicide-resistant weeds such as Palmer amaranth and waterhemp, it is important to reduce spreading of weed seed. Doing a limited cleaning between fields and choosing which fields to harvest first can be an important factor in this endeavor.

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