Storm Damage

Chart showing estimated yields of various populations per planting date

Severe Storms and Hail-Damaged Crops: Steps for Making the Right Decisions

June 14, 2018
After recent severe storms that rolled across parts of Nebraska, growers are encouraged to wait 7-10 days to fully assess crop damage and determine next management steps. Research-based estimated yields from replanting now are included.

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Corn plant damaged by wind May 10.
Figure 1. Corn plant with first leaf completely damaged, second leaf partially damaged, and tip of third leaf – the part exposed to the wind – partially damaged. Photo taken in eastern Clay County, May 15. Corn damaged by dust storm on May 10.

Assessing Effects of Recent Dust Storm on Emerged Corn

May 17, 2018
This week several corn fields in south central Nebraska were surveyed to assess damage and longer term effects on stands after last week's high winds and resulting dust storms. While many plants were seriously injured, many would be expected to recover.

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Property damage to a farmstead near Bridgeport

High-Wind Damage From Thursday Night Storm

May 11, 2018
In Thursday night's thunderstorm in western Nebraska center pivots were flipped over, power poles were snapped off, and trees were uprooted with gusts of 60 mph. See Nebraska Extension Educator Gary Stone's photo report.

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The Hail Know website offers timely information to help farmers respond when hail strikes their crops.
The Hail Know website offers timely information to help farmers respond when hail strikes their crops.

When Hail Strikes, Find Answers at Hail Know

March 22, 2018
Hail strikes Nebraska crops each year, creating uncertainty and questions for farmers: “Does the level of damage warrant replanting or will the remaining stand yield better than a replant would? How should I adjust inputs for the remaining season? Would a cover crop be cost effective?”

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Hailed corn
Hailed corn

Correct Timing Makes the Best Silage

August 17, 2017
Correct moisture and timing are critical to making good silage. Too wet and the product may be sour and less palatable. Too dry and it may be hard to pack and store. Just right and you'll make good feed and more profit.

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Forage Options with Damaged Corn

July 18, 2017

Spotty rains and drought conditions in some areas of the state as well as hail and wind damage are leading growers to seek alternative uses for rainfed corn fields. Fortunately, there are several forage alternatives.

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Corn plant injured by hail
Figure 1. Corn plant exhibiting abnormal growth (wrapped or tied leaves) after being damaged by hail. (Photo by Justin McMechan)

Crop Hail Damage Resources

June 14, 2017
Check out these resources from Nebraska Extension and CropWatch on assessing hail damage to crops. View a seven-day time lapse video of how corn hailed at the V4 growth stage recovers.

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US map of hail events

Hail: Pre- and Post-Event Risk Management Considerations

May 25, 2017
Severe weather, especially hail, is common during the Nebraska growing season. The impact to crops, structures, and equipment can be devastating, but planning and responding properly can save you time, money, and stress.

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