The Sunflower Pathology Working Group
November 15, 2018
While diseases are one of the three biggest yield-limiting factors of sunflower production, there was little information on how to identify and manage them until university plant pathologists joined in a collaborative effort to conduct research and develop educational resources.
Research Report: Prevalence and Mechanism of Atrazine Resistance in Waterhemp from Nebraska
October 26, 2018
Researchers studied waterhemp populations in eastern Nebraska to evaluate the efficacy of PRE and POST herbicide applications and the mechanism of atrazine resistance. Here's what they found and take-home messages to apply to your operation.
Field Pea and Chickpea Germination and Yield as Affected by Tillage
October 26, 2018
Research conducted at Grant found that spring tillage prior to planting caused faster germination and better yield of field peas and chickpeas as compared to no-till during the above-average wet and cool 2018 growing conditions.
Research Suggests Fighting World Hunger can be Profitable for Ag Biotech Companies
October 25, 2018
University research shows that lowering the price of genetic modification technologies in hunger-stricken areas can actually help agricultural biotech companies profit. In other words, these companies can actually do well by doing good.
It’s Not Too Late to Plant Cereal Rye as a Nitrogen Catch Crop Before Soybean
October 24, 2018
In trials conducted at three research stations in eastern, northeastern and south-central Nebraska, researchers investigated rye productivity and its ability to scavenge N when grown as a cover crop between full-season corn and soybeans.
Cornhusker Economics on Farm Programs, Payments and Prospects
October 24, 2018
An analysis of farm program payment rates with information on current programs and the outlook for future support.
Worldwide Collaboration to Breed Better Dry Beans
September 27, 2018
Researchers from USDA, UNL, and other land-grant universities are working together to help identify traits to improve dry bean quality in Nebraska and worldwide.
Competitiveness of Herbicide-Resistant Waterhemp with Soybean
September 26, 2018
The objective of this study was to evaluate the competitiveness of three herbicide-resistant Nebraska waterhemp populations with soybean in a greenhouse environment. The results indicate the importance of enhancing early-season crop competitiveness.