Also see: Corn
Software field imagery

Growing Results: Nitrogen Management in Corn

July 27, 2023
Learn about current on-farm research efforts by a central Nebraska producer that aim to identify the impact of nitrogen rates on net return.

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Corn leaf aphids

Watch for Aphids in Corn

July 27, 2023
Aphids cause the greatest amount of injury while they are feeding within the whorl prior to tassel emergence. Treatment may be needed if pollination is no more than half complete and more than half of the corn tassels are covered with aphids.

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Wheat field
Historical crop progress data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

Crop Progress: Wheat, Oat Harvest Fall Further Behind

July 25, 2023
Harvest for winter wheat and oats continues well behind average pace in Nebraska at 43% and 39% complete, respectively.

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Jackson Stansell in field
Founder of Sentinel Fertigation, Jackson Stansell is the keynote speaker at the South Central Agricultural Laboratory (SCAL) field day set for Tuesday, Aug. 1.

See Latest Field Research at South Central Ag Lab Field Day Aug. 1

July 24, 2023
The 2023 SCAL Field Day is free to attend and will feature presentations on fertigation, nutrient and irrigation technology, and new research and strategies on controlling disease, insects and weeds in corn and soybean.

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tractor planting pinto beans in Boxe Butte County
Tractor planting pintos for a dry edible bean study in Box Butte County. Photo by Gary Stone.

On-Farm Research Projects Growing in the Panhandle of Nebraska

July 20, 2023
Nebraska Extension On-Farm Research is going on across the state, with hundreds of acres involved in projects including several in the panhandle.

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corn tassels on the top of the corn plant

Crop Progress: Corn, Soybean Progress Near Average, Winter Wheat Harvest Behind

July 20, 2023
Corn and soybean progress continues near the five year average, soil moisture remains consistent and the winter wheat harvest continues but well behind last year and the five year average.

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Hail-damaged corn

Hail Damage to Late Vegetative to Silking Corn and Options

July 3, 2024
For producers with crop damage from recent hailstorms, the timing of storms, crop development stage, field damage, subsoil moisture and insurance are important factors to consider when deciding the next course of action.

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Schnable on RFD-TV segment

Schnable Highlights Advances of International Corn Genetics Research

July 14, 2023
James Schnable, UNL agronomy professor, discusses the long-term agricultural impacts of a recent international research collaboration that successfully identified the complete set of genetic components for corn.

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