- Managing Canada Thistle in Organic Cropping Systems.
- Weed ‘Em and Reap. This two-part weed management video is available at eXtension’s website. Part 1 showcases tools and reduced tillage strategies for organic weed management. Part 2 features researchers and farmers demonstrating and describing organic reduced tillage vegetable production systems in West Virgina, North Carolina, and Montana. Organic reduced tillage strategies control weeds, improve soil quality, provide beneficial insect habitat, and in some cases reduce pest damage.
- Roller-crimping research at UNL resulted in the design and fabrication of a new concept crimper and an early-flowering high biomass triticale cultivar to provide mulch for suppressing weeds in soybeans and green snap beans.
- Flame-weeding research at UNL focusing on organic production resulted in the design and manufacture of an advanced flaming system for commercial crop production and guidelines for flaming weeds in various crops.
- Principles of Sustainable Weed Management in Organic Cropping Systems, 2011. This information packet was first developed by Mark Schonbeck for a 2009 Clemson University workshop for farmers and agricultural professionals. Schonbeck provides an ecological understanding and a 12-step process for managing weeds. The 2011 edition was updated with a review of research articles on weed ecology and integrated weed management in Weed Science Society of America publications.