Plant Breeding Basics

"What, we still need plant breeding?  I thought biotech eliminated those steps nearly altogether."  This is something we hear all too often.  It turns out plant breeding is vitally important and there is a shortage of people qualified to fill all of the plant breeding careers out there.  So, if you are a student or looking to switch careers, give us a call!

Why Plant Breeding?

If the genetic engineer is successful in obtaining a transgenic plant that expresses the gene and passes it on to subsequent progeny in a normal, predictable fashion, s/he still does not have a product for the farmer. The event must be moved into an elite agronomic background. Dr. Baenziger wheat breeder

Consequently, plant breeding programs use backcrossing to incorporate transgenics into their hybrid or variety development. Many companies have taken advantage of genetic fingerprinting technology (DNA markers) and year-round nurseries to maximize the efficiency and speed of backcross line development. Once the genetic engineer gives the transgenic plant to the plant breeder, it takes the breeder at least two or three years to derive a backcross line that is the genetic equivalent of the elite line plus the event. After that point the plant breeder can work with the genetically engineered line in the same manner they work with other parents in their breeding program.

Biotech Info for Specific Crop


Contact Us

Deana Namuth-Covert, PhD

Extension Specialist in Plant Genetics Education and Online Learning, University of Nebraska-Lincoln