Japanese Beetles Emerging; Scout Corn and Soybean Fields
July 1, 2024
Extension recommendations on estimating total defoliation from multiple insects to determine need for treatment in soybean.
Assessing Effects of Recent Dust Storm on Emerged Corn
May 17, 2018
This week several corn fields in south central Nebraska were surveyed to assess damage and longer term effects on stands after last week's high winds and resulting dust storms. While many plants were seriously injured, many would be expected to recover.
Western Bean Cutworm Pest Update
January 8, 2018
An article from the Proceedings of the 2018 Nebraska Extension Crop Production Clinics: An update on the western bean cutworm, a major pest in corn and dry bean production for most of Nebraska.
Help Us Identify Yield-Limiting Factors in Nebraska Soybean Fields
October 5, 2016
Nebraska soybean producers are being asked to answer a survey about their soybean fields and contribute to a benchmark study of current soybean production in Nebraska. Researchers from 10 north central states, including Nebraska, are collecting the data to identify factors that may be impeding growers from reaching full yield. See what they've learned in the first two years of the study and how they hope to use the information.
Wheat Condition and Soil Moisture Reports
April 8, 2016
This week the National Drought Monitor rated almost 25% of Nebraska as "abnormally dry," a major change from 0% since Jan. 1. Most of the affected area was along the southern tier of Nebraska counties.