Nebraska Corn Production Risk by County Using Crop Insurance Data
July 13, 2016
Farmers know that yield risks vary across the state; however, the ability to compare yield risk between counties is new. Using crop insurance premium calculation data, we can quantify the expected insurance payment (or indemnities) by evaluating the county crop insurance reference rate. A high reference rate value implies higher historical payments and consequently more production risk and a higher crop insurance premium. Lower reference rates imply lower risk and lower premiums. Risk varies widely from one end of the state to the other, highlighting the need to consider general recommendations broadly and customize decisions to your data and situation. County-level risk maps for irrigated and non-irrigated corn production in Nebraska are included.
5 Tax Deductions for Your Farm
October 21, 2016
An updated version of this article is now available on
4 Ways to Improve your Grain Marketing Today
October 7, 2016
Does grain marketing seem too complex? Are hesitation or fear clouding your confidence in developing and sticking with a marketing strategy? Regularly and successfully using these four practices ― such as subscribing to daily alerts from your elevator and tracking your local basis ― can help provide the information you need to improve your grain marketing.