Amanda Easterly - Research Assistant Professor

combine harvesting crops
Photo credit: Craig Chandler

2020 Corn Hybrid Trial Data Available

October 29, 2020
This year, the Nebraska State Variety Trial team resumed corn hybrid trials. These were planted at four rainfed sites (Saunders, Clay, Perkins, and Cheyenne counties) and two irrigated sites (Clay and Perkins counties).

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chart showing results of wheat trials

Improving Nitrogen Management in Dryland Winter Wheat Production

September 3, 2020
Over the past two years of the study across multiple locations, we found that yield response to applied N rates was evident only in the wet year.

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wheat damaged by freeze

Assessing Freeze Injury to Wheat

April 24, 2020
It takes a number of warm days (a week or more depending on temperatures) after freezing to determine the condition of the winter wheat crop, so don’t make any quick decisions after a freeze.

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Field of wheat

New Study Helping to Guide Future Nitrogen Management of Winter Wheat for Grain Yield, Protein, and Bread Quality

October 29, 2019
Preliminary results are in from the first year of a two-year study to evaluate how soil N levels affect protein in Nebraska wheat and to provide data to revise UNL fertility recommendations for dryland wheat.

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Winter wheat field trials conducted at the University of Nebraska Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center in 2018-2019.
Figure 1. Variety trials conducted by UNL in eastern Nebraska are an important process to help guide grower’s variety selection and rate disease susceptibility.

Winter Wheat Varieties for Eastern Nebraska

September 11, 2019
As you select winter wheat varieties for planting, consider these variety and fungicide trial resources specific to growing wheat in eastern Nebraska.

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Wheat in an eastern Nebraska variety trial earlier this year. (Photo by Nathan Mueller)

2- and 3-Year Average Winter Wheat Trial Data

August 22, 2019
Two- and three-year averages of data from winter wheat variety trials is now available for yield, protein, test weight, and height for rainfed trials in four wheat-growing regions and irrigated trials.

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Winter wheat variety trials in Saline County (Photo by Randy Pryor)
Winter wheat variety trials in Saline County (Photo by Randy Pryor)

Winter Wheat, Triticale and Barley Variety Tests Now Posted

August 15, 2019
View yield, test weight, height and other harvest data from 15 University of Nebraska-Lincoln winter wheat variety trials conducted across the state. Also review results from triticale and food barley trials.

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Field peas

Adoption of Yellow Field Pea: Replacing Summer Fallow with Field Pea and the Relationship between Planting Timing, Population, and Yield

January 9, 2018
How much will yellow field pea affect soil fertility and soil water content when replacing fallow in a wheat-corn-fallow rotation? This article from the 2019 Crop Production Clinic Proceedings.reports on 2018 research to address this question.

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