CropWatch July 8, 2016
For next week UNL specialists recommend scouting for soybean cyst nematode (red arrows) on soybean roots and for western bean cutworm eggs on the upper surface of corn leaves. Here, the larvae have just emerged from the eggs. See stories below for more.
July 8, 2016
Corn Production- Begin Scouting for Western Bean Cutworm Eggs in Corn. Egg masses have been reported and models indicate scouting should be underway at multiple sites.
- Scout for Emerging Corn Rootworm Beetles. Beetles emerging before silk emergence may feed on corn leaves. Once silks emerge, they become the favored food.
- Mid-Summer is Optimum for SCN Scouting. Since SCN was first identified in Nebraska 30 years ago, it has been found in 58 counties accounting for 94% of the state's soybean production area and an estimated $1 billion in lost yields. Now, the potential for SCN resistance has led to new scouting recommendations.
- Check SoyCal - Soybean Management Calendar for timely soybean pest and management information customized to your planting date and location.
- Marketing Loans and Loan Deficiency Payments. For the first time in more than 10 years, wheat producers may need to consider loan deficiency payments (LDP) as part of their marketing decisions.
- Reports of Japanese Beetles in south central and eastern Nebraska fields continuing. See July 1 CW article for scouting and management info.
- Crop reports from Extension, USDA NASS crop condition report, and slight reduction in drought area reported by US Drought Monitor
- Grassini Appointed to National Field to Market Advisory Board
- Market Journal: View segments on market analysis, Panama Canal expansion, hog market analysis, grasshopper damage, weed management in corn and soybean, and the forecast for the coming week.
- Get Hands-On Learning at Midsummer Crop Management Diagnostic Clinic July 13. See program flyer.
- Resistant Palmer Amaranth Management Field Day July 12 at Shickley See program flyer. Keynote speaker will be Jason Norsworthy, professor and endowed chair of weed science at the University of Arkansas and a nationally recognized research on management of resistant Palmer amaranth.