Soybean pods at the R7 stage showing different levels of membrane attachment within the pod.

Taking Note of the Ending Reproductive Stages of Your Soybean Crop

August 27, 2020
The heat and drought in areas of the State are rapidly moving Nebraska’s 2020 soybean crop along. Growers have been asking how to determine late season growth stages for last irrigation of the season and for determining maturity.

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Photo of field comparison of soybean planting dates and maturities at different stages.

Projecting Dates for Ending Reproductive Stages of a Soybean Crop Using SoyWater

October 9, 2019
How did the 2019 growing season affect the date of R7 (PM) in soybean varieties differing in MG (1.1 to 4.1) and planting date in eastern Nebraska? Take a look at graphs showing seasonal vegetative (Vn) and reproductive (Rn) development versus calendar date and compare the data with field photos.

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Center pivot irrigation of soybean
The online tool SoyWater can aid in staging crop growth stage of soybeans and scheduling irrigations at the right time for maximum efficiency and impact. ons and make the ones you do apply more efficient.

Using SoyWater to Schedule Irrigation and Monitor Soybean Stages to Guide Decision-Making

June 26, 2017
SoyWater is an online tool that, based on the information you input, can provide timely, field-specific irrigation recommendations to increase irrigation efficiency.

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