Insecticide Recommendations for Bean Leaf Beetle in Soybean

Updated April 13, 2007


This list is not inclusive. See or other resources for additional registrations.
This information is presented in abbreviated form. Be sure to consult the label for additional information and restrictions.


IRAC Mode of Action Classification:
  • Group 1 = Acetylcholine esterase inhibitors; 1A = Carbamates, 1B = Organophosphates
  • Group 3 = Sodium channel modulators
  • Group 4 = Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonists/antagonists; 4A = Neonicotinoids
R = Restricted-Use Product

Mode of

3 R Asana 1.9 EC esfenvalerate 5.8-9.6 fl oz Do not exceed 0.2 lb ai. per acre per season. 21 day harvest interval. Do not graze livestock on treated plants.
3 R Baythroid 2 cyfluthrin 1.6-2.8 fl. oz 45 day pre-harvest interval or period before feeding of dry vines. Green foliage may be fed 15 days after last application.
4A Cruiser 5FS
(seed treatment)
thiamethoxam Pre-treated seed.
1.28 fl oz per 100 lbs seed
Recommended to use with compatible and registered seed treatment fungicides proven to control seed and seedling diseases.
1B Dimethoate 400 dimethoate 1 pint 21-day harvest interval. Do not feed or graze within 5 days of last application.
1A R Lannate methomyl

1/4-3/8 lb; light to moderate infestations.

3/8-1/2 lb; moderate to severe infestations.

14-day preharvest interval. 3 day forage interval. 12 day hay interval. Do not apply more than 1.35 lb ai. per acre during a growing season or more than 3 applications per crop.
1A R Lannate LV methomyl

¾-1 lb; light to moderate infestations.

1-1½ lb; moderate to severe infestations

14-day preharvest interval. 3 day forage interval. 12 day hay interval. Do not apply more than 1.35 lb ai. per acre during a growing season or more than 3 applications per crop.
1A Larvin 3.2F thiodicarb 18-30 fl oz Do not feed forage hay or straw to livestock. Do not apply less than 28 days before harvest
3/4A R Leverage 2.7 Imidacloprid + cyfluthrin 3.8 fl oz 45 d pre-harvest interval. Minimum of 7 d interval between applications. Maximum of 11.4 fl oz/acre per crop season. May be applied by ground, air or chemigation.
1B R Lorsban 4 E chlorpyrifos 1-2 pts Do not apply more than 6 pints per acre per season. Do not apply last treatment within 28 days before harvest, nor apply last two treatments closer than 14 days apart. Do not allow livestock to graze in treated areas or otherwise feed treated foliage, hay, and straw to meat or dairy animals.
3 R Mustang zeta-cypermethrin 3.0-4.3 oz/A Do not graze or harvest treated soybean forage, straw, or hay for livestock feed. Do not apply more than 0.3 lb a.i. per acre per season. 21 day harvest interval.
1B R Penncap-M methyl parathion 2-3 pts Do not make more than 2 applications per season. Do not use within 20 days of harvest or grazing.
3 R Pounce 3.2 EC permethrin 2-4 oz Do not apply more than 0.4 lb ai per acre per season. Do not graze or feed soybean forage or hay. 60 day preharvest interval
3 R Pounce 25 WP permethrin 3.2-6.4 oz Do not apply more than 0.4 lb ai per acre per season. Do not graze or feed soybean forage or hay. 60-day preharvest interval.
3 R Proaxis gamma-cyhalothrin 1.92-3.20 fl oz Do not apply within 30 days of harvest. Do not apply more than 0.48 pints per acre per season.
1A Sevin XLR Plus, 4F carbaryl ½-1 qt Do not apply with 14 days of grazing or harvest for forage, or within 21 days of harvest. Do not apply more than 6 quarts per acre per crop.
1A Sevin 80S carbaryl 5/8-1 ¼ lb Do not apply within 14 days of grazing or harvest for forage, or within 21 days of harvest. Do not apply more than 7.5 lb per acre per crop.
3 R Warrior 1.0 EC lambda-
1.92-3.20 fl oz Do not graze or harvest treated soybean forage, straw or hay for livestock feed. Do not apply within 45 days of harvest. Do not apply more than 0.48 pints per acre per season.