August 30, 2013 -- Index of Articles

CropWatch August 30, 2013 -- Index of Articles

Soybeans with no nodules

A lack of nodules on soybean roots can lead to a lack of yield due to restricted nitrogen uptake.

August 30, 2013


Soybean Production

Wheat Production

  • Common bunt of wheatCommon Bunt of Wheat. This year a number of wheat growers had their grain rejected at the elevator due to common bunt. Selecting the right seed and seed treatment this fall is the best offense against this threat. Authors also address concerns regarding feeding this grain to livestock.

Farm Management

  • Updated ACRE Analysis for 2012 and 2013. Participation in the federal ACRE program is studied, including what it's meant for previous participants, projections for 2013, and how a new farm bill might affect it.

Crop Reports

UNL Ag Research

Extension Events