Control Musk Thistle While You Can

Control Musk Thistle While You Can

If you had musk thistles in a pasture or other area last year, you're likely to find them there again this year.  That's if you don't get a jump on early season growth and get them under control.

The current rosette growth form is the ideal stage for chemical control of musk thistle. Early control means fewer bolting flower stalks and seeds which will need to be hand dug out later.

Several herbicides are effective and recommended for musk thistle control.  Among those are Milestone and Tordon 22K.  (Use special care with Tordon as it can kill woody plants, including trees.) Both Milestone and Tordon will help control other weeds that appear later in the season.

Herbicides that can control musk thistles in pastures include Chaparral, Grazon, Cimarron, Overdrive, Curtail, or a tank-mix of dicamba and 2,4-D. Read and follow label instructions, and spray on time.

Bruce Anderson
Extension Forage Specialist


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