July 27, 2012 - Index of Stories

CropWatch July 27, 2012 - Index of Stories

 Drought corn

Drought Intensifies

More than 64% of Nebraska is now in extreme or exceptional drought, a significant increase from just 4.9% last week. See related stories in this week's CropWatch, on the CW Drought page, and on UNL DroughtResources.unl.edu.

Sunflower Head Moth

This year's conditions are optimal for the sunflower head moth, which is being found in unusually high numbers in the Panhandle. Growers are urged to scout for them and be prepared to treat if they reach threshold levels. See more. Also, insect feeding can open the door to Rhizopus head rot.

Sunflower head moth

July 27, 2012

Spider Mites a Problem? New Article

Spider mite flare-ups are being reported in south central Nebraska. For treatment information see:

Crop Production in Drought


Sunflower Production

Field Updates

Farm Management

IANR & Extension Programs

 Market Journal host Jeff Wilkerson talks with Art Barnaby, Kansas State University ag economist, about the role of crop insurance in a year of devastating losses, explaining its use and structure and setting straight concerns about its stability.  See additional MJ segments at MarketJournal.unl.edu.